
Showing posts from March, 2022

Effective writing BBA notes UNIT-2

Effective writing Lets start boiling water on our gas stove and getting our notes within minutes😌 Okay!! To get completely into the syllabus of this subject Business communication lovably called as BC  Click this one😌 Writing the writing ability plays a very important role while communicating with the customers. Writing is a process of expressing, thoughts,  ideas or views in written format. Writing skills are very essential for communication, no matter which level of organisational structure the employee belongs to.  Hence, this particular skill is of utmost importance for a manager to uplift his career. Effective writing techniques  Right in a clear and concise way  Keep it short and simple and to the point. Proof the work atleast twice Revise what you have written. Act as a reader  Think from your reader's perception. Use short and meaningful sentences Keep it relevant and to the point. Highlight the main points  Always highlight the main points b...

Effective listening UNIT-2

 Effective listening Lets start boiling water on our gas stove and getting our notes within minutes😌 Okay!! To get completely into the syllabus of this subject Business communication loveably called as BC  come here☺ We will start with effective listening following dozen of sub-headings😂 Listening Hearing is a process of conceiving sounds via ears.  LISTENING = HEARING + UNDERSTANDING what has been heard According to M.V. Rodriques, " Listening is a process of receiving, interpreting and reacting to the messages received from the communication sender." Elements of listening Hearing  Conceiving sound via ears. Filtering   Enables the listener to only listen to the most important and relevant information. Interpreting  Understand the sense of message heard. Evaluating  Conclude what has been said. Responding Replying back to the speaker. Process of listening The process and its every stage is completely related to each other. See how🤷‍♂️ 1. Sensi...

Oral and written communication UNIT-2

 Oral & written communication Lets start boiling water on our gas stove and getting our notes within minutes😌 Okay!! To get completely into the syllabus of this subject Business communication loveably called as BC  come here😌😌 We will start with second unit of this subject who skipped 1st one can  come here😌  and  here  and of course  here too😅 . Oral communication The exchange of verbal information between the sender and the reciever is known as oral communication. Oral communication is an interaction that uses only spoken words. CHARACTERISTICS  Instantaneous two-way process  You get instant replies or responses and the communication takes place in real time. One-off excercise  It is an one time effort, nobody can speak or deliver information same way as did once or earlier. Use of day-to-day language  Most preffered form in day to day life as it mostly uses one's native language or mother tongue. Presence of sender ...

Barriers to communication UNIT-1

Barriers to communication Lets start boiling water on our gas stove and getting our notes within minutes😌 Okay!! To get completely into the syllabus of this subject Business Communication loveably called as BC  click here Barriers Communication barriers can be defined as the obstacles or hurdles which prevent the smooth flow of information among various communicatiom channels. Barriers give rise to unnecessary chaos and confusion. It creats blockage of communication leading to miscommunication  or information distortion. Types of communication barriers 1. Semantic barriers (barriers arise during encoding of message) ●Different words of same meaning in different   languages  ●Dual meaning words or same sounding   different meaning words ●Difficult or complicated pictures or graphs ●Improper or irrelevant actions ●Poor vocabulary 2. Emotional/psychological barriers (are born due to emotions, feelings or attitudes) ●Sadness ●Lack of trust ●Anger ●Failure...

Basic forms of communication Unit-1

 Basic forms of communication UNIT-1 Lets start boiling water on our gas stove and getting our notes within minutes😌 Okay!! To get completely into the syllabus of this subject Business communication lovably called as BC  Click here Starting from the most basic classification of forms of communication we will read out all their futhur bifurcations😌 Basic forms of communication A) ON THE BASIS OF ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Communication forms necessary for communicating in an organisation are: 1. Formal communication A kind of communication accomplished through a proper chain of commands & a pre defined path/channel of communication. Formal communication is carried out keeping in mind the organisational hierarchy CHARACTERISTICS of formal communication 1. Can be written or oral 2. Used in formal relations 3. Has a peescribed path/channel 4. Conveys organisational message 5. Requires sincere & deliberate efforts TYPES of formal communication 1. Single chain 2. Wheel form...

Business communication notes UNIT-1

Business communication notes  Lets start boiling water on our gas stove and getting our notes within minutes😌 Okay!! To get completely into the syllabus of this subject Business communication lovably called as BC  Click here So this will be covering topics as:(Communication, basic forms of communication, barriers to communication) Lets rock examblasters😌 Communication The term "communication" is derived from the Latin word 'communicare' which refers to sharing, contributing, informing, popularising or spreading any thought or idea. Communication is very crucial in order to provide a worth while interaction among people. Hence, communication can be understood as an exchange of views, ideas or information. According to Newman & Summer, "Communication is an exhange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons." Charachteristics of effective organisational communication Inevitable  (Unavoidable......necessary to communicate) Continuos proce...