Organisational behaviour UNIT- 2
Organisational behaviour Unit - 2
Lets start boiling water on our gas stove and getting our notes within minutes😌
To get completely into the syllabus of this subject Organisational Behaviour lovably called as OB just come here 👉💌
Ok, so basically unit - 2 here, contains lot many topics like individual behaviour, perception and motivation, personality, learning, etc.
NOTE : The topic motivation and personality of this unit 2 has already been thought by me in semester 1. So the links to their notes are here.
Let's start with her first topic individual behaviour also known as human behaviour
Individual behaviour (IB)
"Individual behaviour or human behaviour is a psychological system responsible for all the set of actions performed by any human or an individual."
This is the term named to the actions or reactions made by any human is response to their surroundings.
Nature of individual behaviour
Field of study not a discipline
Interdisciplinary approach
Art as well as Science
Humanistic and optimistic
Need of individual behaviour
It provides motivation to the employees.
It provides guidance to the subordinates.
It helps in the process of learning of employees and subordinates.
Study of individual behaviour conducts performance reviews.
It helps in efficient managerial changes and their applications.
It improves and smoothens the communication process.
Study of individual behaviour helps in maintaining cordial Industrial Relations.
Models of individual behaviour
S-R model
S-O-R model
S-O-B-C model
S-O-B-C model is a said to be the display of the whole picture of human behaviour.
This states that when any situation arises to an individual then he/she responds to it with two different states i.e. physical state (overt) & mental state (covert).
After thinking by these both states, an organism response to any situation which makes the consequence or conclusion of his or her behaviour towards any situation.
Okay now let's move to our second heading or we can say second topic🤷♂️ "Perception"
"Perception refers to the stimuli that our senses gain from the surroundings."
The basic meaning to the word perception here is one's "point of view" to any situation which he/she makes through his/her 5 sense organs.
Perception involves Understanding+Analysing+Deciding thoughts coming to one's mind after getting in any situation.
Nature of perception
It is an intellectual process.
It is a psychological process.
Perception is completely subjective.
Perception is socially connected as it develops through and from the surroundings.
Perception is culturally influenced.
Perception is a self-fulfilling.
Importance of perception
Helps in understanding human behaviour.
Helps in forecasting individual behaviour.
Facilitates need determination by understanding one's behaviour.
Assists in handling subordinates effectively.
Better understanding of perception improves communication and helps in efficient management.
Components of perception
Perceptual process
Perceptual process is based on input-throughput-output approach.
Input = Situation/Individual
Throughput = Perceptual process/Stimulus conversion mechanism
Output = Emotions/Beliefs/Responses
1. Perceptual selection
A. Sensory activation; which involves sensing the stimulus in the surrounding.
Such as feeling the noise of traffic, voice of vendors,etc while driving.
B. Sensory adaptation; which means choosing a stimulus from the surrounding.
Such as focusing on the lyrics of music while driving in traffic.
2. Perceptual organisation
This process involves systematically organising the stimulus adopted from the surrounding.
Such as when you listen a vendor selling "Dozen of Banana", you automatically reconnect it with the fact that Dozen means 12 pieces.
Organisation of the stimulus can be on the basis of past experiences, relating habit, reference to context, etc.
3. Perceptual interpretation
Getting on to the conclusion of the stimulus adopted from the surrounding.
Like going ahead with the same example, reciting the lyrics of music you were listening while driving in the traffic is the interpretation of your stimulus from that surrounding.
Now moving on to the third topic learning.
Again here is to remind you that the notes for rest of the two topics motivation and personality are already posted here.
"Learning is a process by which person constructs knowledge skills and capabilities."
Learning is basically defined as adopting new skills or getting familiar with new concepts.
Learning is a continuous process.(Person learns something new at every stage of life)
Learning is a psychological phenomenon.
Learning is an adjustment as after learning something new we adjust it with our preoccupied skills or knowledge.
Learning is a systematic experience as one gets to know about something new then try it and then practices it.
Learning is attainment of knowledge.
Learning is a conditioning process which simply means that learning conditions one's capabilities and skills according to the newly practice skills.
Learning involves changes.
Learning is transferable as what is learned by one can be made learnt to anyone else.
Process of learning
1. Attention
This process involves converting the received information by the brain into active memory which simply means getting familiar to the received information.
2. Expectancy
In this stage we get inspired from the people or scenarios in which the new skills and capabilities which we want to learn are represented or displayed.
3. Retrieval of relevant information to working memory
This stage involves converting the important information into the permanent memory of a person after being inspired by people or incidents.
4. Selective perception
This stage involves selecting the way of learning new skills etc.
5. Encoding
This stage involves converting the newly learnt skills into expertise through continuous practices.
6. Responding
This stage involves performing the new skills learnt through this process.
7. Feedback
This step is all about gaining feedback from different people who have witnessed your newly learnt skill.
8. Cueing retrieval
This step makes you recall your initial facts which is "the purpose behind learning any new skill".
Learning any skill by getting through the process of learning, people acquire another new skill through the same process that is why learning is a continuous process.
Significance of learning
The attitude of learning helps in controlling employee behaviour as it helps in simplifying the adoption of changes.
The way any employee learns determines employee behaviour.
Learning differentiates between acquired and gained skills, capabilities, etc
Learning brings out significant changes.
Learning improvises working habits.
Principles of learning
There are certain principles which are essential to be followed for proving the process of learning effective.
Some of those principles are laid down:
Principle of association
This principle states that associating or connecting learning of any new skill or mechanism with any of your past experience or knowledge makes you learn that skill much faster and easier. This principle believes that learning through connecting dots is an effective manner of impactful learning.
This principle involves three basic laws
1. Contiguity;
2. Law of effect;
3. Practice;
Principle of readiness
Principle of effect
Principle of intensity
Principle of recency
Principle of reinforcement
There are some of the contemporary motivation theories. I have mentioned them here because these were not in the syllabus of semester 1
NOTE: These theories and all the above topics are also explain here in this video
Contemporary motivation theories
There are eight contemporary motivation theories which are based on the conventional motivational theories by Maslow and Henzberg.
1. Mc Clelland's Need Theory
According to this theory motivation of any person depends upon has three needs until and unless these needs are not fulfilled, a person is motivated to work for it.
Three of those needs are:
1. Achievement
This is the competitive factor of any person which keeps him or her motivated to work for achieving any goal.
2. Power
This need of a person is the need of having control over any person or situation/goal, etc which is also influenced by the impacting behaviour of a person. This need is simply to get control over anything which is achieved or in other words we can say willingness to have ownership.
3. Affiliation
This need of a person is at psychological level where he/she seeks acceptance from the surroundings(othet people) for any task they are performing.
This motivation theory is based on three broad needs of a human which keeps him/her motivated to work towards his/her goals but it is criticized as it is a "time consuming process" to clearly identify all three broad needs of any person and "adequate amount of training" is required to perform controlling processes on employees through the identification of needs by this theory.
2. Self-determination theory
This contemporary motivation theory is proposed by Ryan and Deci.
This is somewhat similar to the needs theory proposed by Mc Clelland. This theory states that there are three needs of a human in a row which are as follows
1. Autonomy; this states the level of determination of any person towards their goals to be achieved. "Higher the interest in the goal, more will be the determination level"
2. Competence; this state of any human defines the level of competitiveness in a person to achieve his/het goal.
3. Relatedness; which means after achieving the goal a person proceeds towards relation building and expects admiration from the people of the surrounding for his work or success.
This determination theory clearly states that the level of determination of any person depends upon both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors.
Extrinsic are the visible motivational factors like salary, reward, position, etc and intrinsic are the intangible motivational factors like passion, interest, gut feelings, etc.
3. Self-Efficacy Theory
4. Vroom's Expectancy Theory
5. Equity Theory
6. Reinforcement Theory
7. Alderfer's ERG Theory
1. Existence
2. Relatedness
3. Growth
8. Porter & Lawler Model
The better the learnings the better the earnings😎
To get in depth knowledge of these topics you can also look into it 👉👻
Thank you for reading🙏😊
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