Personality development and grooming BBA notes UNIT-2

Personality development and grooming (BBA sem 1)

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Okay so let's start with our notes of personality development BBA semester 1 according to the new syllabus given by new education policy 2020.

UNIT - 2

Personality development

"Personality development refers to the process of making a structured outline of an individual temperament and approach towards his work and personal life."

In simple words, personality development means building up once inner and outer self for a constructive transformation which gives him a path to success and fruitful life impacting and influencing people and surrounding around him.

Personality development is not a 5 minute task.

It takes number of years, uncountable efforts and intrinsic motivation to get a person dance transformed into an ideal epitome.

Here are some basic techniques of personality development:

Techniques of personality development

The following aspects or methods can be used for developing once personality by formulating respective strategies.

Let's read them out😌

Physical intervention

Having a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle gives you an active mind and enthusiastic physique which is the most important aspect of developing your personality, as if an unhealthy mind and body will lead you nowhere to your dreams.

Psychological orientation 

The idea or the intrinsic motivation which comes from within of a person is the main reason behind the transformation of any person. Thus, having a positive mindset and learning attitude is the root cause of personality development.


The guidance from teachers, parents, professionals or anyone more mature then you is the very common method of personality development.

Emulation of a role model 

Role model is a person whose characteristics and skills are followed or wanted to be followed by other persons. Hence, having a role model and abiding by his principles is also a method of developing one's personality


Company stands for a group of people, society or organisation in which a person lives. Thus, having the most impact on one's mindset and attitude is the group of people he or she lives with the most. Hence, having a good company can make you grow faster.

Educational Institute 

The crucial part in the basic development of one's understanding and primary knowledge.


Self development is a method in which an individual is himself motivated from within to develop into a person he wants to be.

Combination of such techniques

Varying age, mindset, attitude, situations and thinking affects the method of personality development used by a person does one can also use combination of such above techniques if felt compatible.

Stages of personality development

There have been some important theories which describe the stages of personality formation such as Freudian psychodynamic theory, Erickson theory, Adult life stages and the most important Chris Argyris immaturity-maturity theory.

Let's discuss Chris Argyris immaturity-maturity theory as Freudian stages and Erickson stages are already being discussed in unit 1.

Chris Argyris immaturity-maturity theory

Basically he suggests that in order to be a fully matured individual one has to undergo seven changes in his personality; Which he describe as from becoming this to that.

Let's see his seven stages in a table form which will make you to get on to his point so easily.

Immaturity -----------------------》Maturity

1. Passive infants 》Active adults

2. Dependency on others for simple task 》 Independency

3. Behaving in a few ways 》Able to behave and the conceive in many ways and thoughts

4. Inconsistent and shallow interests for pursuingas career 》Determined and strong interest to pursue

5. Short-term perspective (not worrying about the future lot) 》Long term perspective (learning from the past and working for the future)

6. Subordinate position 》Higher position in professional life 

7. Lack of self awareness 》Awareness and control of self

Chris Argyris also states that there are many people who attain complete maturity by going through all the above mentioned seven stages.

But there are also many who do not attain complete maturity and this can be an impact of their surrounding and the environment in which they have brought up and the mindset which they have cultivated since years.

Importance of personality development

Self grooming 

Improves personality 

Improves confidence 

Improves morale 

Creates reputation with others 

Supports effective communication 

Helps in career advancement 

Creates happy mood 

Gives you enthusiasm 

Sets a positive and learning mindset 

Makes oneself impacting and attractive 

Helps to achieve one's vision and goals

Aspects of personality development skills

There are four basic and the most important skills mentioned in our syllabus. 

1. Body language 

2. Leadership 

3. Team Building 

4. Interpersonal Communication

Body language

"Body language refers to non-verbal signs that we use in conveying a message."

It represents the mental and physical capability of an individual during a non-verbal communication. 

Elements of body language


The way one moves, looks, etc.

Facial expressions 

This point is itself explainatory. As we all know that face is the index of mind. 

Eye contact 

Maintaining proper eye contact is the best way of reflecting self-confidence.


Refers to a way a person stands, walks, sits, etc.

Dress code

The way you carry different dresses.

Positive body language

The non-verbal signs which a person communicates while conveying a message impactfully having a positive imprint as follows:

Making proper eye contact 

Facial expressions complementing your communication 

Impacting body movements 

Moderate use of hands and props 

Having a firm and enthusiastic body posture

Negative body language

Body movements or gestures symboling to give a negative imprint.

Poor or no eye contact.

Blankly staring at the audience. 

Not keeping the body still and firm.

Resting against the wall.

Barricading oneself by folding both the arms. 

Keeping hands in the trousers pocket.

Effective use of body language

Doing powerpose 

Power pose can be practiced by spreading their arms out or upwards and standing firmly. Practicing this pose for 2 minutes daily can improve your posture.

Increasing the energy level 

Try to smile in tough situations 

Act as a supermodel for reducing conflicts 

Never raise arms over your shoulders 

Act natural 

Keep making proper eye contact


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